Listen to: Abs Scams: Debunking Quick 6 Pack / Abs Myths

AbsScams: Definition

-Anything that will promise you 6 packs, flatten stomach, getting rid of that jelly belly in weeks, days or even hours. 

-A gadget or pill to reduce your stomach or give you a 6 pack. 

Are they legitimate?  Unfortunately…..It’s just not going to happen.

Ask yourself:
1.  What is the promised result?
2.  Is it a product, diet, exercise, supplement, gadget or cardio machine?
3.  What does it promise?  How long?  Is it an Expectation of less work and more results?

Not without cardio, diet, hydration, sleep, lifestyle changes.  Reduction of stress is KEY!

Ever have a ‘gut reaction’ or ‘gut feeling?’  Because that’s where the fat will go.

It’s important that you do a little something, not even every day.

You can reduce, but you can’t target the stomach.  It the long run, it will be EASIER and YOU WILL BENEFIT MORE from adopting an overall program that will keep you healthy and fit.


Aired Monday February 29, 2016 on WTOP